Source code for dpkt.gre

# $Id: 75 2010-08-03 14:42:19Z jon.oberheide $
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Generic Routing Encapsulation."""
from __future__ import absolute_import

import struct
import codecs

from . import dpkt
from . import ethernet
from .decorators import deprecated
from .compat import compat_izip

GRE_CP = 0x8000  # Checksum Present
GRE_RP = 0x4000  # Routing Present
GRE_KP = 0x2000  # Key Present
GRE_SP = 0x1000  # Sequence Present
GRE_SS = 0x0800  # Strict Source Route
GRE_AP = 0x0080  # Acknowledgment Present

GRE_opt_fields = (
    (GRE_CP | GRE_RP, 'sum', 'H'), (GRE_CP | GRE_RP, 'off', 'H'),
    (GRE_KP, 'key', 'I'), (GRE_SP, 'seq', 'I'), (GRE_AP, 'ack', 'I')

[docs]class GRE(dpkt.Packet): """Generic Routing Encapsulation. TODO: Longer class information.... Attributes: __hdr__: Header fields of GRE. TODO. """ __hdr__ = ( ('flags', 'H', 0), ('p', 'H', 0x0800), # ETH_TYPE_IP ) sre = () @property def v(self): return self.flags & 0x7 @v.setter def v(self, v): self.flags = (self.flags & ~0x7) | (v & 0x7) @property def recur(self): return (self.flags >> 5) & 0x7 @recur.setter def recur(self, v): self.flags = (self.flags & ~0xe0) | ((v & 0x7) << 5)
[docs] class SRE(dpkt.Packet): __hdr__ = [ ('family', 'H', 0), ('off', 'B', 0), ('len', 'B', 0) ]
[docs] def unpack(self, buf): dpkt.Packet.unpack(self, buf) =[:self.len]
[docs] def opt_fields_fmts(self): if self.v == 0: fields, fmts = [], [] opt_fields = GRE_opt_fields else: fields, fmts = ['len', 'callid'], ['H', 'H'] opt_fields = GRE_opt_fields[-2:] for flags, field, fmt in opt_fields: if self.flags & flags: fields.append(field) fmts.append(fmt) return fields, fmts
[docs] def unpack(self, buf): dpkt.Packet.unpack(self, buf) fields, fmts = self.opt_fields_fmts() if fields: fmt = ''.join(fmts) fmtlen = struct.calcsize(fmt) vals = struct.unpack("!" + fmt,[:fmtlen]) =[fmtlen:] self.__dict__.update(dict(compat_izip(fields, vals))) if self.flags & GRE_RP: l = [] while True: sre = self.SRE( =[len(sre):] l.append(sre) if not sre.len: break self.sre = l try: = ethernet.Ethernet._typesw[self.p]( setattr(self,, except (KeyError, dpkt.UnpackError): # data alrady set pass
def __len__(self): opt_fmtlen = struct.calcsize(''.join(self.opt_fields_fmts()[1])) return self.__hdr_len__ + opt_fmtlen + sum(map(len, self.sre)) + len( def __bytes__(self): fields, fmts = self.opt_fields_fmts() if fields: vals = [] for f in fields: vals.append(getattr(self, f)) opt_s = struct.pack(b''.join(fmts), *vals) else: opt_s = b'' return self.pack_hdr() + opt_s + b''.join(map(bytes, self.sre)) + bytes(
[docs]def test_gre_v1(): # Runs all the test associated with this class/file s = codecs.decode("3081880a0067178000068fb100083a76", 'hex') + b"A" * 103 g = GRE(s) assert g.v == 1 assert g.p == 0x880a assert g.seq == 430001 assert g.ack == 539254 assert g.callid == 6016 assert g.len == 103 assert == b"A" * 103 assert len(g) == len(s) s = codecs.decode("3001880a00b2001100083ab8", 'hex') + b"A" * 178 g = GRE(s) assert g.v == 1 assert g.p == 0x880a assert g.seq == 539320 assert g.callid == 17 assert g.len == 178 assert == b"A" * 178 assert len(g) == len(s)
[docs]def test_gre_len(): gre = GRE() assert len(gre) == 4
if __name__ == '__main__': test_gre_v1() test_gre_len()